Easter Eggstravaganza

Families are invited to join us at the park to enjoy egg hunts, pictures with the Easter bunny, lunch, games + prizes, treats, bounce house, take-home resources, and more. What an amazing opportunity to celebrate the joy of Easter with many. Because of your continued generosity, this event is completely free for families.

Donate to Easter Eggstravaganza

Our Easter Eggstravaganza always includes a variety of activities, crafts, games, prizes, an egg hunt, and a meal. We serve roughly 500 people each year. Would you consider donating to help us bring our vision to life for these families?

To donate items from our wishlist, please visit our wishlist link here.

To donate funds for meals, prizes, and the egg hunt, please visit our Give Butter donation link here.

Thank you for your generosity!

Sign Up to Volunteer

Easter Eggstravaganza is made possible by our incredible volunteers. We couldn’t bring everything to life without the generosity of those willing to volunteer. If you’re interested in volunteering at our next Easter Eggstravaganza, please fill out an interest form here.

Thank you for your generosity!