Holiday Light

Our Annual Christmas Celebration, Holiday Light, will take place again this Christmas.

City Light is honored to support not only the staff at Horace Mann Elementary School but the students and their families as well. The holidays can be a stressful time for families, and City Light’s goal is to make parents’ and caregivers’ load a little lighter by providing students with a wishlist. Local churches that have partnered with us in this initiative invite their members to shop for a child and return those gifts unwrapped. The families of Horace Mann Elementary School are invited to the Holiday Light event, where the children enjoy games and treats while their parents/caregivers wrap their gifts. 

We give thanks for the generosity of local churches and organizations who have partnered with us to make this event possible.

Sign Up to Volunteer

Holiday Light is made possible by our incredible volunteers. We couldn’t bring everything to life without the generosity of those willing to volunteer. If you’re interested in volunteering at our upcoming Holiday Light event, or if you are interested in purchasing a gift for a student, please fill out an interest form here.

Thank you for your generosity!

Donate to Holiday Light

Our Holiday Light event serves roughly 250 students, providing Christmas gifts from their wishlists. Would you consider donating to help us bring our vision to life for these families?

To donate items from our wishlist for the activities, please visit our wishlist link here.

To donate funds for meals and activities, please visit our Give Butter donation link here.

Thank you for your generosity!